Post Pregnancy Care
Your body has just successfully overcome the most remarkable thing it can do: create another life. Now that the pregnancy and childbirth woes are behind you, here are some tips to help you ease your mind about this new chapter with your little one. .
Pregnancy diet
All you can and cannot eat during your pregnancy. Cravings are natural during pregnancy, however here are some of the food that you can have a lot of and some that you might need to avoid for a few months.
Preparing for labor
The moment that you have been waiting for is finally here and there is nothing that is going to stop it from happening; your baby will be born one way or another. Knowing what happens during labour and delivery can help relieve your anxiety.
Pregnancy month by month
Exercise can work wonders for you and your baby. Learn more about exercises to keep you fit throughout your pregnancy!
Self care during pregnancy
Taking care of yourself is one way of caring for your baby too. Explore this page to know more about how to express self-love as you go through your pregancy journey!
Trimester 1
For at least half of the first trimester, most women don't even realize they are pregnant. Even though it doesn't seem to make sense that we count pregnancy weeks from before conception even happens, it is the only way to estimate.The first trimester is a time of tremendous development. In this series, we will look at each of the 13 weeks in this important trimester and see that however tiny it is, vital foundations are being laid down to optimize your embryos chances of survival.
Trimester 2
By week 12 of pregnancy, the baby is fully formed and appears more like a minute human. Its head is disproportionally large to the rest of its body and the facial features are recognizable. The second trimester is about further maturity of vital body organs and nervous system development.
Trimester 3
By the third trimester, the baby is having regular periods of rest and activity. It frequently changes the way it is lying, kicks and moves to find its own comfortable positions in the uterus. Your baby's brain and nervous system will be fully formed by now and its lungs are continuing to mature.
Trying for a baby
Pregnancy planning begins first. Be it your diet, your lifestyle or your mental health status, here are a few checklists you can maintain.
What to expect during pregnancy
Congratulations on this new journey! We're sure that you want to be in the loop with the changes that are happening with your body and all the things about your little one growing inside your belly. Here are the things to expect and practical tips about your pregnancy.
Soft Cheese and Pregnancy
Soft cheese can be a difficult thing for many mothers to give up during pregnancy. Especially if their Friday night ritual involves a get together and cheese snacks with the girls.
Chinese Conception Chart
The Chinese Conception Chart, also known as The Chinese Gender Chart or Chinese Pregnancy Calendar, is a popular and fun tool for parents to use
Infantile Eczema: All you need to know
Eczema is caused by skin inflammation and results in itchy and dry skin. Surprisingly, babies too may suffer from eczema, starting as early as when they are two months old. Eczema can be effectively treated and so, most children get completely cured. But some of the children with eczema, carry it to their adulthood or may develop other atopic illnesses like allergy and asthma.